learning-tools-categoory: Visual Supports

Going to Class

Here is visual story to support Matthew on expected/unexpected behaviors when going to class.

Checkmarks for One More Minute Visual

These checkmarks are used for the one more minute visual.

One More Minute Visual

Utilize this visual as a strategy to support transitions. Please email pathways@kcdsg.org if you would like a printed and laminated version.

Nighttime Routine Visual

Attached is the nighttime routine visual created during Lauren’s session. Please let me know if you would like us to mail a hard copy.

John-Paul’s Morning Hygiene Routine with Cues

This is the result of collaborating with John-Paul on his morning hygiene routine. Along with the visual organizer are cues and language that can be used to help prompt him and practice the exercise o...

Julianna’s Nighttime Routine Visual Organizer and Prompts

This is Julianna’s nighttime routine organized with visuals in the DONE, DO, GET READY format she was taught during Fall 2020 sessions. A list of prompts is included if needed.

Sensory Play Visual

Utilize this visual while providing sensory play opportunities.

Wh- Question Visual

Utilize these visuals as needed to help prompt answering wh- questions as needed..

Cleaning Bathroom and Bedroom Checklist

Utilize this visual to support Elena’s independence with cleaning her bathroom and bedroom.